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Cadw'r Ddysgl yn Wastad
Monday, February 13, 2006
Holiday is over
After two days off I have to go back to work. Its not so bad, but when I get into the creative mode, I just want to stay there. Here is what I did this past weekend

1. Did some more painting on my ceiling mural
2. Made Father-In-Law a birthday book
3. Made 6 Valentines cards, gave away 5
4. Knitted 10 more rows on my "one day" sweater
5. Beaded another 12 rows on my latest peyote wrist band
6. Baked, cooked, etc.
7. Walked Snuffy approx. 6 times
8. Visited with Mother, Brother and his partner Shelby
9. Did an acceptable amount of housework and laundry
10. Watched TV

So, now its off to work again. Must put away toys and be serious and make money.
See ya on the next run