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Cadw'r Ddysgl yn Wastad
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Magnetic Revulsion?
I was at work today and had another one of those really lightening bolt conversations with a friend and neighbour, who always seems to stir me up. Chris loves jewellery and my shop is one of those places you think you can put it all together and make that piece of art to wear. Chris stops by every so often and we look at a picture that needs replicating and we get to talking.

Don't ask me how we got on the subject of "mates", but we did. It was one of those moments that you know you should have had a long time ago, but only surfaced because it was born of a long, funny, circutious conversation. How did I end up married to the Mole? How did Chris end up married to Sally? How the hell do any of us make that decision and more imporantly...WHY????

No two people could be more different than the Mole and myself
. In background, in tastes, in temperment, IN JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING. We should not have been paired, and we certainly should not have been able to survive 17 years of partnership.

Truth be told, I really didn't think we would make it, there were too many obstacles in our path and we were too different. I was divorced, a single Mum of two very young children, living on government assistance and going to university. I am also 6 years older than the Mole and was much more worldly. When I went overseas to meet "The Family", it was a real eyeopener. I met the the Mole's three sisters, his Mum and Dad and had a few days left over to visit some of my own family in Chester. It turns out, my Mother-In-Law is a gift, a woman who is so lovely and kind and generous with her affections that I could never have hoped for such a wonderful relationship. The Moles' three sister, all of whom are younger than he is, are simply the best! I love each one of them and am so thankful to call them my family. The Mole's Dad was a great deal more of a challenge, but I think he is worth it. A difficult, complicated man with very defined ideas, he has warmed to me over these years and I can say honestly that I also love him for all his foibles.

So, how did you find your match? Did you think you were ideally suited? Did wedding bells ring straight away or did you want to have him/her assasinated?

I think this is truly a fascinating idea. We are all so different and somehow find each other. I really want to know....tell me!