Name: Hagis From: Guelph, Ontario, Canada About me: What can I say about me. I am all and nothing. I am a weakling with great strength. I hate spiders but never kill them.
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I'm finding it difficult to make time to blog these days. I spend an hour or so in my garden before work and a couple hours afterwards. I spend every day off collecting plants, weeding, moving plants and just sitting and staring at my garden! Even the dog is getting annoyed with me as I'd rather garden than walk him. The house is a mess at all times, the laundry doesn't get done and my friends are getting tired of trying to reach me. Think I'm obsessed? Yeah!
Guess I'd better get a move on as I have to go to work and I'm covered in soil. A quick scrub in the bath, a quick run around the block with the mutt and a not-so-quick day at the shop, and I'll be back to do some more gardening.